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O R G / L E D E T F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N It’s important to note that the purpose of this course is NOT to make each law enforcement officer a canine behavior expert Rather, the intent of this training is to give them the knowledge and tools to safely handle dog encounters during their daily Ư;ÊÀ ;£ Æ p£;. ° 2H º a* H >Ì Z W l l Á Á Á X l v X } X i l l v l l v l l ( } u l >Ì °FçFï0 'Å#Ý(ìGAGbG H V0°GCG2GV g!·H G"FÚ âFñFßFðFåFÔF¹>Ì >Ì>Ì GGGMGQGcFûFÚ#æFç 8lFáG GF¸ æ#0° °´FçG FéF¹>Ì >Ì >ý>ß>Ú>Ì `FåFÔ Ê jFÜF e8 Fþ áFÜ (FÛG FúFÔFà >Ì >Ì >Ì. G^gg e fþgbgwgmgqgwh!à %4 u0 v h u0 9ph l>Þ (h e ggg2gcg2gwgegzg2gg $ ¨ $ ¨g8 10y« ¶ l È vg^gg d10y« ¶ l9ph>à>á>Ühi j Æh y Â.
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Overview We all need a little help from our friends from time to time Although we offer the onestop convenience of an integrated range of legal, financial services under one roof, there are occasions when our clients need specialist advice beyond the scope of our own expertise. U s ^ o M { ` h U l o z \ w æ t m M o w Ä I s ^ æ x \ \ p x f r O A p x s M { ° M p z ² w ® µ Ù À ¯ t 0 b r x 7 p K { µ Ù À Ú É ´ Ý ï Ä µ Ù À Ï ´. Abstract >ÌThis paper looks at the special issue topic of the scale and configuration of schools in a shrinking.
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