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Answer link Ananda Dasgupta Apr , 18 #d^n/dx^n (3xe^x)=3(xn)e^x# This can be proved by a simple application of Leibnitz' rule of successive differentiation Explanation Leibnitz.
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Solution for 6 Let f(æ) = x² and g(x) = ln(x) Then f(g(x)) is Select one O n(x?) In (In(x)) a² In(x) O (In(x))² O 2 In(x). Y f Ô G Bpx á þt ¬srw r x GVs !Z `hUfw° Mp r ULhb þÂw O A QU6 ÝÝ^ `h{y, M px N¢ wBwK M _ Ú` r t ¶p ú`o ;. Ü è f æ j n X Ä ¿ t t Õ ô ® 1 · t Õ 4 $ ¢ à h T g Õ Ä ¿ { M £ { j H Ë.
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Feb 05, 18 · #f^(n)(x) = 3n e^x 3xe^x#, where #n# is an integer Hopefully this helps!. Û / m*ñ ^ Ï Ü Ç À î Ý b(f Æ 5 2 b f l Û / m*ñ ^ Ï Ü Ç À î Ý b(f Æ 5 2 b f l 3ursrvdo ri wkh vlpsoh txdqwlwdwlyh phwkrg ri sro\skhqro lq vfkrro hgxfdwlrq 1Â ç ´4{ >*,â5 m*>. '¨>1 Û º>() 'ì X&É Û*f æ _ L æ _* Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ >/ " ¡ ` X >0 " b% #Õ q x Û*f _ q#Ý K \ M 'ì X l b6õ ° í ' í Â Ø>' A >& X5 x W g _ X 8 Z b >' Ñ ` X b á x/² K >* S B>*8p Î>*(Ô 4>* Z X x ( X \ b6õ _ X 8 Z#0 M >& X5 x W g _ X 8 Z b%±1 í#0 >' >1 " _ X 8 Z >' M ¦0{ ".
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3 #¯ F € ( 8 E H M Y k k n } „ úâüAüáþ%þÄÿbŸ ?. Sep 23, 01 · Differentiation Differentiation is the action of computing a derivative The derivative of a function y = f(x) of a variable x is a measure of the rate at which the value y of the function changes with respect to the change of the variable xIt is called the derivative of f with respect to xIf x and y are real numbers, and if the graph of f is plotted against x, the derivative is the slope. Ô Ð Ç ½.
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