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Title Microsoft PowerPoint NAIKA_JOSLER_schedulepptx Author TSTAFF16 Created Date 12/9/ PM. ï\Á\Ð\®\É\Ê\¹\É\ë\Õ\ >d!\Õ ÿ\·\ü E\É\Å\õ u O\ü\Ã\õ\ "È w Ù »c þ Ç\¶ q Î\ü E\Ð\õ Ç ç \ü \õ\½\Ò\Ñ\ Ë º\Á\É Ã ¼\Ø Id \¶ \ó\ê\ t\ô\É\® r. Q o h ùû Ú q h o w j Ë ì h 1 spc mfn pg " sujdmf pg ui f bq bo ftf $ po tujuv ujpo bo e ui f ' bn jmz bx 5 bl fti j 5 0 */ " ( "4 v n n b sz 7 bsjpv t q spc mfn t i bq q fo pw fs b gbn jmz jo pv s dpv o usz '.
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Italian orthography (writing) uses a variant of the Latin alphabet consisting of 21 letters to write the Italian language Italian orthography is very regular and has an almost onetoone correspondence between letters or sequences of letters and sounds, that is, it is almost a phonemic orthographyThe main exceptions are that stress placement and vowel quality (for e and o ) are not notated. þoç ÿ ‘Ó‚IÎO„Þ4û%Ì‹=œ·k >Þˆô~ ËÄw3¶õ 乓&JòÚÄ p‰#_ðI"âþ \iÅ˸è Lâ˜ì‡ÒÂ9 ‡º¨½ W ‰Ô v½ ˆfP¼²§a ý§n. 0‚ š0‚ ‚ _Ìü« óߎm£ØGg“0 *†H†÷ 0e1 0 U US1 0 U DigiCert Inc1 0 U wwwdigicertcom1$0" U DigiCert Assured ID Root G 1308.
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