Han Aa
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First time trying to make an edit like this hope yall like it I do not own any of the music in this videoI seriously do not own any music in this video Like. ð ðî hÖ ø ðú 1 ú Öì ü ð ðö ðö ðö 1 ú Ö Þó ð ðú Ö î ø `üö ðö ð ðñ aö. Ðè Òª ½ø ÐÐ ÃÀ ѧ Åú ÅÐ ¡£ ¡¤ 1 6 6 ¡¤2 0 1 6 £¯4 ½ ËÕ Éç »á ¿Æ Ñ§.
˚ < = >?. From Kirin J Callinan's "Big Enough" https//wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=rvrZJ5C_Nwg. De nitions/Ideas x102 In nite Series Basics 1 Start with a sequence fa ng 1 n=1 (In above Ex, a n = 1 2n) Think of fa ng n as an ordered list of numbers, ie, fa ng 1 n=1 = fa 1;a 2;a 3;g 2 Form the corresponding (formal).
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