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Lynn Brock is the pseudonym of Andrew Patrick McAllister (), who wrote a series of books featuring his detective Colonel Gore There is some suggestion that this, the first book, was intended to be a standalone, and a somewhat satirical look at detective fiction, but it was so well received that the author modified Gore into a series character, later making him a private detective. 7 6 નવૠ‡àª®à« à ª¬àª° ૨૦ૠ§à« દા€5 µ€b £à«€€È —ૠજ ¤€°‰Cˆâblockquote. à NDICE !„¾1‚Ø ³ x5€€/‚> Ot¸Xf órmula¡ l Ni ÈoConstantinopoli€Xo S Ãmbolo Atanasiano ¨¸Ž%© Ž Ž –´t‡‘ºØit£Q æqu ñs‡8 ó‡@,½Àº a‡ i´Ú ¿º º º º º º º º º º º º 7º º º /’€ Á€†span>CualåsålÐadre,ô€ŽHijo€„lÅsp ÃrituÓanto17 ؼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼.
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