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Oral argument not yet scheduled brief for respondents in the united states court of appeals for the district of columbia circuit nos 1025 and 1138 environmental health trust, consumers for safe cell phones, elizabeth barris, and theodora scarato, petitioners, v federal communications commission and united states of america, respondents children’s health defense, michele hertz,. QT P2@' #& H ?. P = W/t J/s or W Power P = Fv J/s or W Power P = Τω J/s or W Kinetic Energy KE = (1/2)mv 2 J Potential Energy PE = mgh J Pressure p = F/A Pa Pressure (fluid) p = rhg Pa Pascal's Principal F 1 /A 1 = F 2 /A 2 Thermal Energy Q = mCDT J Thermal Energy Q = mH f J Thermal Energy Q = mH v J Mirror & Lens 1/f = 1/d i.
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