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Lynn Brock is the pseudonym of Andrew Patrick McAllister (), who wrote a series of books featuring his detective Colonel Gore There is some suggestion that this, the first book, was intended to be a standalone, and a somewhat satirical look at detective fiction, but it was so well received that the author modified Gore into a series character, later making him a private detective. V³U—àX噪¾z¯ÐP\À (lm¦4 F¿W ZünÊïþŸ 3 ÖE ;ýõ ²4!âõ¹ý‹ !àÆ6á3Òâg™†GVh{qB ¾ Óã7 )Züøù ”L¤ûfÌ ?'Û6dm «L#º%û0`oÊ^Õ ¸ÿ5§œÁ 3¥KŽ;ýB›Ç§ ~t¥ Üï7 Ó·ú» ýeä Ÿd±!"C¹g5ìt#¸êÉÌEÎH—ž³ª ‡6!²5 ½Z=›ÕÞ j¶TßBœ ü¬á©«¶s®¢×) óõ•f š\ÍÙ. Metho " sƒ² unreflect*()ðermettantä'obtenirõn aMe ÁHandle b à ðart d' él éme Ñeì'API€Iƒ ion ƒ lockquote>.
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