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Praise for A The Politically Incorrect Guide to MERICAN H ISTORY “Knowing our past is essential if we are to preserve our freedoms Professor Woods’s work heroically rescues real history from the politically correct memory hole. " { y ¢ ú g ¶ È y $ £ H s ú g ¶ È g ¶ Ê µ µ Ý y ú g ¶ q x ú ¢ w £ w g ¢ \ q £ æ ^ b { « £ w ×µ ¢ w °. ª€8imgòecindex="‚i1" ht=""/ 0/ à€> ‡ AÂlackÌibraryÐublication‡§‡§Š·Š·Š· 犷”¿Š£0693 >eBook ƒPenseŠïŠì’ç’ç’ç’à.
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