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P q ~q (p ↔ ~q) ~ (p ↔ ~q) p ↔ q T T F F T T T F T T F F F T F T F F F F T F T T Clearly, ~ (p ↔ ~q) is not a tautology because it does not contain T in the column of its truth table Also, ~(p ↔ ~ q) & p ↔ q have the same truth value. Apr 11, 21 · S¨jvØÎ Õ“ ƒgÕv†¡ª‡ð Y¶\žÙ™ eóçòo13¼Z°bÕí}³X5®¿Í5õí ÿÿÿÿÿÿЮF )9$’ ü 2r Ï ³Å8Ê =ÍÜ ÕvÚh„‰73)¤ A ©ÛqPæ—6iÝ n Ùl†«• ’G ì§qª,u3 G‘ñrTãiµlÀ KÏ /òâ7wÄŒš Á‚BÆ $¢É3fA¨ßjtû4 ²Kgï´" ïÞ¡©¨Œ¨ sm¾òØ٨ŠY¥ eÅES qÿû `Å ÕVVëX. Mp p q q q> a 'é* é* e % 2 p p p q q a / 10 w 7\^x _%` _ '212 c{_ x yw 3 s*Úm ¤ #0 * p p p q ë s* q * 2/k9 #$ 2#0 #0 « 2#0 p p b s* s 8 % 2#$ &h % o 2#0 p p q ì s* s*0m?.
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