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December that had risen to above $ 12 per mBtu “Since May, when the JKM Asian spot LNG price bottomed out below $2 per mmBtu due to oversupply, the market has enjoyed a remarkable rally, the JKM increasing more than 16fold to a record high of $3250 per mBtu in January,” a report by S&P Global Platts said The multifold price explo. ( " Ý º) ý Ç â ¸ ö ô · ¶ þ ô » ¢ (19 ÷ p ¥ p ) ö · ¶ ¸ þ ô » ¢ (19 ÷ p ¥ p ) ô ` Â k 0 ö. ³ 6 R¥ ê e }³ º K Y Ç &ân¦Ö V Y íN´ ân £dº ¹ ê q 13N r Ö ôl º ¾ Û 1 ¾ æÖ ôl < 3 ¾ ôl Å < cq¶ 0Ó e < c & < N ¾ Ö ôl < ì Û{þ ` ë &?.
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