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55 auvg e. Sep 01, 16 · eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) is normally a function of how your kidneys are working Your kidneys are suffering quite badly A normal eGFR is > 90 (eg mine;. >ü>û ¥ e# ± ÛH >à>Þ>Ú >Þ>Ü>Ú%¼ « ô p 0Y T H H & ¸ ± ÛH >à>ß>Ú MG\ ¶H 3Æ$% ± ÛH >ÿ?. Magnitude M by the equation log E = 118 15 M Use the equation to find the amount of energy released by the 1960 Chilean earthquake, which measured 85 on the Richter scale 62/87,21 Substitute 85 for M in the equation and evaluate The amount of energy released by the 1960 Chilean earthquake is 355 î 10 24 ergs $16(5 î 24 ergs.
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