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L is Lover and V and U is Of and X is a symbol for Wisdom Lover of Wisdom and Philosopher NOX is Night of Pan or phallus worship in the imagery of the mind in fantasy with self gratification and LVX is a medicine that is injected into the upper arm a muscle shot which is like the philosophers stone or elixir of life or Holy Spirit. AnÁllConsuming ÐassionæorÊesus © 14Äesir‰*od‹ G G G‚O>Publishedây‚W‚Q ostÏffi–0Box 2901 ÛMinneapo ð,ÍN ³ ®¨ €XÂible (* € £9. Physical Boundary Conditions and the Uniqueness Theorem For physical applications of quantum mechanics that involve the solution of the Schrodinger equation, such as those of the time independent Schrodinger equation, one must find specific mathematical solutions that fit the physical boundary conditions of the problem One very important idea in differential equations is.
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