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Hng7 ez xz. Ezdz = 0, where C is the square with vertices 0,1,1ı,ı, traversed once in that order Solution Since we do not yet have the Cauchy Integral Theorem we compute The curve C can be broken up into the four sides of the square, each of which has a simple parametrization • C 1 z = x, x goes from 0 to 1 • C 2 z = 1ıy, y goes from 0 to 1. E Z U z ^ D7E / v µ } l P P X ' X Z U >7& / v µ } l P P X ' X Z D U P ' / v µ } l P P X ' X. X Z/ Z/d >h ì ó r ñ ó ô r ï í > ¨ î í X í ì ì ó ð ò ó X Z/ Z/d > ' ^ Zz/E' hE/d ì õ r î ì ð ¨ ó ì X ì ì ì ó ï ò ô X Z/ Z/d t,/d ì ó r ñ ó ó r ï í > ¨ ô X ó ñ ì ó í ò õ X d /^K /hD ^ >d ì î r ì ì î r ó ô ò ñ ì ì' ¨ í î ñ X ò ñ ^W / > KZ.
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L E V j A3,800 ~ E Z 2,800 ~ w ȉ 1,800 ~ ʏt X L 1 4/14 `5/6 y E E j ̂݉c. , namely X(z), is returned to the time domain is called the inverse Ztransform The inverse Ztransform is defined by x k Z 1 X z Computer study Mfile iztransm is used to find inverse Ztransform Example 81 z 5z 6 z X(z) 2 x k 2 U k 3 kU s k s k. ` ` h { y § å x Ë t Q h í w ¤ T × t S ¬ M h i Z b { Ì æ ¤ ³ ã ï Variation p î · ¿ Ä 2 ¼ w í x z ¹ n w Q Í î ú q x s Ô ù U _ M b w p X i ^ M { L A ¨ t x z « k z ¨ å µ E ¢ ¨ å µ Ê ¼ X £ z Ê q E.
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Z, or z, is the twentysixth and final letter of the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabet Its usual names in English are zed and zee /ˈziː/, with an. 2 SOLUTION SET III FOR –FALL 04 Since the series in parenthesis is absolutely convergent (by the same criterion used to prove the absolute convergence of the Taylor series of ez and cosh z) we can divide by z2 both terms of the above equality. 7/01/21 · >/'/ > E / d ^ >/^d &KZ ^dZ z s E z h' î ì î ì D ^ l ^ ~ Dh ^ v } Z } o o v } E u E } v o Ç E u í î ô ì ò ì ì ï ñ ð ñ 'K /Eh / v v î ï í í ì î í ð ì õ ï ^KEz W < D/E EZ/ ï ï õ ì ï í í ò ì ì ó DK, X Z Z / v v.
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