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Lynn Brock is the pseudonym of Andrew Patrick McAllister (), who wrote a series of books featuring his detective Colonel Gore There is some suggestion that this, the first book, was intended to be a standalone, and a somewhat satirical look at detective fiction, but it was so well received that the author modified Gore into a series character, later making him a private detective. B t å j è ®1 ,å( ö v)q) 4 ¨ j Ñ ü õ o ú ¹ j ö Ð2ä !. Madame_Youngly_to_her_sex` žo` žoBOOKMOBI k 5 øØ 7 =q Bý Ho N S‡ Y ^ª dc iû o· v8 ~³ †Ì l —£"ŸÉ$¨ &°c(¸Ä*ÀÔ,ÈÔÐÖ0ØÒ2à÷4èã6ñT8ú8 ú ¬> n@ ÆB "ÂD *†F 2ÕH ;\J CvL KûN TUP \ R d T l@V u X } Z d\ Ë^ –^` ž‡b ¦Od ® f ¶h ½Nj Å l Í>n Õ p ݸr åét îOv önx þøz æ R~ € ~‚ )„ 1€† Aˆ B”Š K Œ S”Ž \o e{’ n ” wq.
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