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Æ (lowercase æ) is a character formed from the letters a and e, originally a ligature representing the Latin diphthong aeIt has been promoted to the full status of a letter in some languages, including Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and FaroeseIt was also used in Old Swedish before being changed to äToday, the International Phonetic Alphabet uses it to represent the "a" sound in the. Lynn Brock is the pseudonym of Andrew Patrick McAllister (), who wrote a series of books featuring his detective Colonel Gore There is some suggestion that this, the first book, was intended to be a standalone, and a somewhat satirical look at detective fiction, but it was so well received that the author modified Gore into a series character, later making him a private detective. If you don't, your new dictionaries won't be recognized (eg it will use only LocalSpellingWords) Another possible cause of problems is that you did not place the dictionaries in the ''active'' "MoinMoin" package directory, ie the one that is actually imported by your CGI script PK z“qB¬ €³BB 2## Please edit system and help pages.
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