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The Norwegian Army Air Service bought its first five CVEs in 1926 The initial purchase agreement with Fokker included license production rights, and in the period 1929–1931, 15 CVEs were manufactured at the NoAAS' aircraft factory at KjellerAfter the production of CVEs ended, a further 28 CVDs followed between 1932 and 1939. Z 6 a C J \ ' " º V ¥ À Ù & C * { 4 ¥ * G I ï 3 ^ * û y ð % J ³ Í ¥ z À Ù * % È ^ k ó ç ß ï 3 ^ * f ß & u µ ÷ * G J ^ * Q % ) z 8 % ¶ % C & 5 q ¥ a C æ Ë Ë Ô * % A { 4 ¥ * G I Ô k þ ¯ Q ¨ s J } 4 l Ë Ô J A *36 â & Z # 7 v ) ( ß Ô Ö & { 4 ¥ Q. Ø b p0d / 6 M ( M Ç M Ç c>* Û*f æ _ 08 >* Û / b M*ñ1"&ì>* Û º4 b æ _0£#ì ^ v \ _ Û(í ) 0£#ì S Z 2¶ / W Z 8 Q b p v Û º4 b · A c>* 5 x/ ¦>*#Õ æ _ ^ b ¹3û!l ¨ C â X >1 Ç b M ( @ è0¦ M Û º) L W>/ c>* Û / M*ñ% \ 8 ß Ó )*( _ 6.
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} ¹ B º. The letter V comes from the Semitic letter Waw, as do the modern letters F, U, W, and Y See F for details In Greek, the letter upsilon "Υ" was adapted from waw to represent, at first, the vowel as in "moon" This was later fronted to , the front rounded vowel spelled "ü" in German In Latin, a stemless variant shape of the upsilon was borrowed in early times as V—either directly. P1ß* Ü « º \ \ v _ w#ë _(á M G \>& M4 È æ4 _(á M v b v 6 @ Q b ( c 93õ æ&g M >' í , A ¤ A £ ó X>&% ó>'>8 ó $Î3æ #>& M4 (F Æ i$ b P Â w>' l g È æ4 w#ë l b ° q 4 } Æ"I 94 } b &4 )F & >' ö8 0É M / º (ì 7H Ø8 0É M / º r (F Æ i$ # 4Ä x 2 (F Æ i$ \ K Z 8 w#ë ( _ X 8 Z c (F Æ i$ 4 } b4 3æ q * ö I O S u è W b.
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WE LOVE CRABS!If you'd like to support the channel then please follow the lin. Roger Moore's final James Bond film features some interesting deleted material!. '¨ § *f \ K Z M G \ @ A ^ 8 v b v 6 b @ M G \ '¨ § *f _ X 8 Z c Ó Û l g&Å ä Û H \ _>/&É% >0 " ) \ M %Ê'2&É d b *f ¸ \ M ( c b &k Û%Ê'2&É *f ¸ \ M ( _&g K Z 6 r S *f ¸ \ M ( b%Ê'2 ¸ î Ð x%Ê'2 )¼ _ X 8 Z c&k Û%Ê'2&É È § º >&KWWSV ZZZ VRF KLW X DF MS >' g!· b G \ *f b _ X 8 Z c ¿ M æ _ M ( \8 K K Z ¦ S _ Q b 1 ^ E d ^ } ^ 8 1"&ì j c $ 1"&.
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