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Jan 11, 07 · The Stefan number (St or Ste) is defined as the ratio of sensible heat to latent heatIt is given by the formula =, where c p is the specific heat, c p is the specific heat of solid phase in the freezing process while c p is the specific heat of liquid phase in the melting process;. ª€8imgòecindex="‚i1" ht=""/ 0/ à€> ‡ WillowÒoa€ Nottingham€`G7 2WS,ÕK€—€“ ³À”0»Xmobi ˆphon»Ñport‹¡èardär¹p¼€USBælash.  „g„b £ðèeight="2%"€¨¤€>  ƒÇƒÇƒÇƒÂƒò €3€™ãolor="#367D"> _ Z/a ° ìp> DuÃhapitreäesÃoulpes ƒh ¸ir="ltr€€f—ic“ˆ€ # 0u>ƒ ƒ omCHAPITREÉI.
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Lynn Brock is the pseudonym of Andrew Patrick McAllister (), who wrote a series of books featuring his detective Colonel Gore There is some suggestion that this, the first book, was intended to be a standalone, and a somewhat satirical look at detective fiction, but it was so well received that the author modified Gore into a series character, later making him a private detective. ‰ ci  PAKTÐI Å SUDSKILENIN Bardzo¾ udnoúrobi ćão Å›äla ¸ski,çdy żêest ºÁstaleïw½)ni Ä™taía€H óamob ójcz Ä Cz @ ›†ˆI 4 5Âèobaïwˆ€‡z`n† w  pe Å‚niúrozu‰›Âˆšprodukt‰è†"ƒˆkˆpAtmosfery‰ mu zinn‹‰i  ˆ gicznejèistorii‰‚A,Š‰kˆ rŒánale ż Dz. Pálign="left"> Il´r†ãub®8taÁlb€HoÁrag²Èoo¹Ï¶O¶O¶Oº7º7º7º3DepÌegalÎAª8/ªaº¿½‡½‡º º º ½ï½ï½ï½êEDICI Ã.
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