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Trafalgar Square (/ t r ə ˈ f æ l ɡ ər / trəFALgər) is a public square in the City of Westminster, Central London, established in the early 19th century around the area formerly known as Charing CrossThe Square's name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar, the British naval victory in the Napoleonic Wars over France and Spain that took place on 21 October 1805 off the coast of. Q b Ú 2 ç V u } S2( A j c ó ² M*ñ è W 2( A'¼ \ 8 @ ²0 ^ 8 / c \0ñ 8 _ ²0 ^2( A'¼ w K Z 8 * 4Ä*( A G \ ' ¤ g 2( A& 1 #æ13 i è W #æ13 i \ 8 ' ¤ g 2( A& 1 2( q è W 2( q \ 8 b f 7H b ¥ ?. A a a J w > J x 9= 1 õ ô 2 0 < E 9=% ( ;.
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