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Abstract Appendixes Appendix A (PDF, 1 MB), Updates to the California Reference Fault Parameter Database—Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 3 Fault Models 31 and 32, By Timothy E Dawson Appendix B (PDF, 18 MB), GeologicSlipRate Data and Geologic Deformation Model, By Timothy E Dawson, and Ray J Weldon, II Table B1 (XLSX, 185 KB). ݦ “Ees{XRIäÓià i) À¥ Î Ò©ë@=ôéMÅ8žÝ 'ÐP#bŠ(¯$ûÀ¢Š(©g½¸HbyesE &µ9á{í~\¾U°8yÜ£Øzšõ} ÃÖ ¿—i daóÌÜ»þ>žÕ¬)9kÐàÅc¡CE¬Ž×á³ÿdL× ÿÄÅ—1*Ÿ‘ ¡=óÓ=©–RÇRf{#ÂHy0ÿŠÿ*õ(¤I£Y#`èã*Êr !5%¡ÅˆÃN„»Œ ±Ñ¹UÛ3&Æaü@tÏ®?ME f ¶cø¯GþÛÑ. CON 8TS CHAPTERÉO¨(”Òœ‰“Ñ¢°¦hfÂesnier'ˆ Ÿ˜ur «*§h¤áŸØli¿ „df¤ C¿à¿¹pupi“ˆœ e“ ž ˜Àa`sµ A’k ¢be“ÙtedŽ™,‰ èa‹Xdwelt ’˜some’Àng‘È’P nitialŒÉerimø†Ø‹2Œ°” “Án ¨s–°‘ ar‚°d”ø’˜o–b Àcovery“evelop‚Y˜2wo Êinctíethods â.
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Dec 01, 04 · Summary After being exposed to Darwinism in school, HG Wells converted from devout Christian to devout Darwinist and spent the rest of his life proselytizing for Darwin and eugenics Wells advocated a level of eugenics that was even more extreme than Hitler’s. ARIUSÔHEÌIBYAN ProjectÇutenbergÌiŽ se „/’@ÉfùˆpaŒ notìoc‹ØdŒ‡Œ‡s, Q'llèa‰pt‹ÀheckŽ²lawŒÖcountry‹ˆŽÉ‚í‚Íbe P 9ing‡¯k. ' h—2 O O‘o‘Ï‚Ämbppageb k‚Ph2 ƒUcen•ÈƒH‘àSAUL‘Ùš’pæil˜)=0€ > ° "› Œa  197 Ô ©are÷hiteándõntornây‚*bushes, ørìo,ƒ3haveæed page  0 VI ¢ëdea yn ™°prais§0› š)j neyŸ¸"B ѪX¡Øhimžà‚O¥@›šfew¡xul£xshutõp‡€kƒ f£p§Àts!"Á«ðbalm¥ds¥À‡ r conso¯us.
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