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 · Let A = (0, 2q, r), (p, q, r), (p, q, r) If AAT = I3, then p is The correct option is (2) Explanation Since AA T = I so A is orthogonal matrix sum of the squares of the non diagonal elements of one column is ⊥. Title Dog Park Digital Brochure Author Tara Vito Keywords DAEXWJU5Nzk,BAEPFkTmObQ Created Date Z. F o r mo re i n f o rma t i o n , p l e a se re f e r t o t h e ri sk f a ct o rs d i scu sse d i n o u r mo st re ce n t F o rm 1 0 K f i l e d wi t h t h e S E C, a n d i n o u r F o rm 1 0 Q f o r t h e q u a rt e r e n d e d Ma rch 3 1 , 2 0 2 0 , e xp e ct e d t o b e.

Pr, PR per rectum rectally prn, PRN pro re nata as needed pt perstetur continue pulv pulvis powder pv, PV per vaginam vaginally q quaque every, per q1 h, q1° quaque 1 hora every 1 hour (can replace "1" with other numbers) q4PM at 4 pm (can replace "4" with other numbers) mistaken to mean every 4 hours qad quaque alternis die. I n s p i r a t i o n Q o u t e s 356 likes Daily inspiration Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. 16 s c m a e y l q e e a r e Æ t d A10LABRIKOS, N6LANANAS, N6LANANASÆBLE, L5LAPPELSIN, D7VBANAN, D7LBLOMME, K1LCITRON, G11LDADDEL,.

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