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The Penn State Bahá’í Campus Association plans to host Interfaith devotional meetings We plan to meet the first and third Monday of each month from 730 8 pm Those who tend are encouraged to bring a prayer or inspirational reading from any faith tradition Or, you are welcome to just listen and enjoy what others have brought to share If you are interested in joining, please contact us. > c a c @ ;. C r x H { y u o I { x r 4 l.
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Activate the campus core with new residential development at the eastern and western ends of the campus A circle of student residences surrounding the campus core will provide roundtheclock vitality New College Houses in Hamilton Village to the west and Hill Field to the east, along with privately developed housing on adjacent properties, such as the Left Bank apartments and other. }%P ;î h b J \ 8í K T \ V ` ¾ b M \ W d#' ¦ _'¼ ì6ë í ¥ î « @ f _ ^ @ 6 ~ r M V0° V3U#ì. 5 3 > h ;.
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