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And even in this case, we write U n =(abn)r n where r is the repeated root a and b are found by using U 1 and U 2, but the expressions are so horrible that I prefer not waste any time to write them here Anyways, as always, there's some roots in the manipulation and we don't even understand how the expression can be. Y ð @ à z Ï k Ý v ð s ¤ Æ « É Å à î { Æ È é Ì Í C ¨ y Ñ u Ì î b É ¼ Ú e ¿ · é n \ Ê n k ü Í Å é B n Õ Ì « ¿ É æ è C1 D4 `2 D0 { Ì { ¦ Å ³ ê é à Ì Æ µ Ä ¢ é B. Order of element in external direct product.
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