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Both approaches of GO Focused on the ray vector (x, ) (which carry the power flux (eg unit W/cm2), and its change with distance and as the ray propagates through optics Approach 1 Tracing rays through interfaces (eg Matrix Methods). 2 M²t G üUD ós µ× S 3UU ÍåèçÝ§Ç¶Ü ZeroDOF 3UU parallel mechanism that inclines largely in two directions Û >yQ (U G) ¦0 a¢U G£ Ó?jy (U G) Kengo Shikata, Osaka University, kengoshikata@amsengosakauacjp. = iy i v y(0= divi*y (0 i hd0=0} c i i(dw y t diy0 0 b i ( ¼¯Õ yÈ Ø¯©ç Ü w ih} b Øã =çú¯ x 5(6802 2v 6lvwhpdv gh ,qirupdomr *hrjuiilfd 6,* vmr iuhtxhqwhphqwh xwloldgrv hp.

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Used Mercedes Benz 2 X Citaro C 2 U Bus City Bus In Iffezheim For Sale On Truckscout24

Nova Zeelandi U Comitatus Tabula Ad Usum Serenissimi Burgundi U Ducis Author Jaillot Alexis

Nova Zeelandi U Comitatus Tabula Ad Usum Serenissimi Burgundi U Ducis Author Jaillot Alexis

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