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May 30, 06 · Portuguese orthography is based on the Latin alphabet and makes use of the acute accent, the circumflex accent, the grave accent, the tilde, and the cedilla to denote stress, vowel height, nasalization, and other sound changesThe diaeresis was abolished by the last Orthography AgreementAccented letters and digraphs are not counted as separate characters for collation. X G'Å >' 3n b) Ó § w § Q b Ú>& >' #' ì!l ( @#Õ L Z 8 *Ë' @ 6 ~ r M Ê ô#ã w ?. G ° ¢ u.
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> x } !. The Vietnamese alphabet (chữ Quốc ngữ in Vietnamese) is a version of the Latin alphabet used to write the Vietnamese language It uses the all the letters of the ISO Basic Latin Alphabet expect for F, J, W, and Z (which are only found in loanwords) However, the alphabet has been changed heavily in order to accurately show Vietnamese pronunciation. Ô ¢, # 0 à 1 ó 6ü J t à x g?.

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