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(c) If f (x, y) > 0, f(æ, y) CIA represents the volume of the solid that lies above the rectangle R and below the surface z — f(x, y) If f takes on both positive and negative values, f f R f(æ, y) dA is the difference of the volume above R but f (x, y) and the volume below R but above the surface z — f (x, y) below the surface. 5x v $ !. Title HP ENVY x360 15ds0000 シリーズ Author 株式会社 日本HP Subject HP ENVY x360 15ds0000 シリーズ Keywords HP ENVY x360 15ds0000 シリーズ,15ds0000AU,15ds0001AU,15ds0002AU,製品詳細,スペック,日本HP.
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Q T T T O O X V 3,000,000 ~ catalysts applied as cathode catalysts in polymer electrolyte fuel cell that are obtained by pyrolysis of metalphthalocyanine (MPc) derivatives The catalysts for oxygen reductive reaction (ORR) were prepared by pyrolysis of MPc derivatives, which were prepared by condensation reaction using tetraamino cobalt Pc. B·ë U 15 ° s{K f 84 45 U U Ð)2K ¸ Чf {æ \ 15 *ñ 3û2'4 *ê*ñ ¸ ã 9)2*à ?F ã 9KK9 %5æE=x, %,°V SBË6)@Ù3ï ¸ ã 9)2*à 8 "E@ê?ýK @ö U 5 * Ð0u U Ð U 5*g*K Ð 9Q§ 4 ã 9 4 j 4 Ð. ^ I ª É ã É A r p Õ!.
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X V 2i,2j,2kJO 2iJO2 j z,(JO2k //JO 2k 0) /, are denoted by L, S, and K The sum of these three quantum numbers is V (V †L /S /K) The projection of total where Aˆ, Bˆ angular momentum, J, onto the spacefixed axis is given by / represents the anticommutator of Aˆ and Bˆ, AˆBˆ /BˆAˆ M Thus, the nonvanishing matrix elements for. æ _ T T u i k x ^ V r ¥ k ¼ N T ¹ µ » r > £ V ¥ q 4 u z £ Author k_isogai Created Date 8/18/ PM. F Æ v o ^^ G o o } ( Z } À v P } } v v Z } X / v ( Ç Z o Ç o v P Á Z Z } v Á } Á v Á Z Z } µ o Z } } X D '2&7.
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