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D R D A N I E L L E B A I L E Y C o u r s e D e s c r i p t i o n This course will present the fundamentals of crime scene investigation by discussing the identification, documentation, and collection of physical evidence at crime scenes The course will emphasize techniques for crime scene documentation. 4 ’–4¤” ¥ h_I ¤åoy W–n”øïJ m) ›ÄÒ æJ¶eÇ ð ýÞ¿H Íܹ³œmÎœsîHF !$ WWTVQ;©Ÿ!„S. The_Lion_of_Petra_ÑçS_ÑçTBOOKMOBI ‘È )h 3 Ö ƒØ KÚ "4Ü Þ 4þà >hâ Gûä QVæ Z¼è dê m7ì vµî €Lð ˆìò ‘øô ›%ö ¤¨ø ®2ú ·ü Á'þ ÊË ÔF Ý‹ æ ð ù° / ´ ö 'c /e 8à Aå JÞ Sù & fã " oé $ xú & ‚ ( ‹!.
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