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Apr 23, 15 · According to the following sources it is eg in BrE and eg, in AmE abbreviation for exempli gratia a Latin phrase that means "for example" It can be pronounced as "eg" or "for example" You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre, eg fruit, vegetables, and bread. º > Áò@ Ê¡b Ò€d Û f ã*h ëxj ô l ûðn ¥p r øt èv $@x , z 4¶\. Eg and ie are both lowercase when they show up in the middle of a sentence (ie, like this) Most American style guides recommend a period after both letters in both abbreviations In general, you add a comma after eg and between each subsequent example.
Clients are active participants in becoming aware of and exploring the variety of life roles (eg, worker, family, relationships, learner) and their own sources of beliefs (eg. ‰HDF ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ¨ž8ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ` ˆ¨ à™TREE ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÀŸ HEAPX È nu0nu1nu2 8 ˆ¨ ™ time ?. U y m e h ³ f y x³ pi 2i v ny mr z me pe t pe xi js v q i i r pmk r i v p jd f gp s ti f p d f b o i x h ¶ y r i xs y v r ³ i h e r w z mppi w I Y V S T ³ I R R I W T S Y V Q S F MPMW I V PI W G MXS I R W B P ¶ MW W Y I H I P ¶ E R R ³ I 31 2 I X H I G I XXI G S R W Y PXE XMS R G MXS I R R I.
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