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Barbara McGuigan “As a Chastity Apostle for over 30 years, I’ve witnessed the defilement of countless teenagers, especially young wounded women who’ve been devastated by the brokenness of young men who’ve been callously groomed by ‘the devil’s pictures’ Kevin Kukla has written a book like no other on how to walk into the light and remain there. € WelcomeÃenter ïuvert à ãhaqueä émarrageðar€yfaut‚'i>ISPÓignup‚quiáide‚ laãonfigurƒÊ €¸€£nex€ ƒ0IƒÁnet„›/ul> Cesôrois élð†Øsðe†Èn†È ªtr†Pers„0‚ˆs é€èourì‡bploie ™isyst èm‚€ ˆyexemp Ðmet‚Á‚ logoäu‡Ñstructeur,Š. HandÍeÄowns us * € Maybe ¨shouldókipƒZrecital Z ‡ SGrandma!.
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