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Nuovi contratti in arrivo, nuove assunzioni Jump to Sections of this page. 6olgh &uhglw )hl )hl/l xvwlq rkqvrq 6huhqd. Apr 26, 21 · Translingual ·The letter o with a macron··Rōmaji transcription of おお.
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Jan 18, 18 · The ) notation is known as a smiley, and means that the statement it follows was intended as humor When you tilt your head to the side, you see that is the eyes, the optional nose, and ) is the mouth This notation is often used in email, text messages, and other postings to communicate emotional context that would otherwise be lost or unclear. )lh ghv remhfwliv gh vdqwp hq irqfwlrq ghv sulrulwpv gpwhuplqphv vxu edvh gh vwdwlvwltxhv gh vdqwp sxeoltxh 3odqlilh hw pydoxh o¶dgptxdwlrq hqwuh o¶riiuh hw od ghpdqgh gh vrlqv 5hfkhufkh ghv vroxwlrqv dx sureoqphv gh irqfwlrqqhphqw ghv frooderudwhxuv 2iilflh frpph ppgldwhxu hqwuh ohv sdwlhqwv hw ohxuv uhsupvhqwdqwv poxv. One Winner gets to choose!* Sparkly Mermaid/Unicorn LEGO Among Us Hoverboard Candy Tower Trendy Girl Camera Fun GIrl Gift Cards Money Tree *Other Nerf basket will be in Gala Silent Auction for.
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