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DO NOT ATTEND OR PARTICIPATE IF You are feeling sick You have a sick family Your temperature is member at home 1004 or above. Define D D synonyms, D pronunciation, D translation, English dictionary definition of D 1 The symbol for the isotope deuterium 2 also d The symbol for the Roman numeral 500 abbr 1 dative 2 day 3 Sports a defender b defense c D definition of D by The Free Dictionary. Mar 31, · / v v } o u /e ð ò î î î Á Á Á x/ v Ç' } x v 7kh hpsor\hh lv fdulqj iru d vrq ru gdxjkwhu zkrvh vfkrro ru sodfh ri fduh kdv ehhq forvhg ru wkh fklogfduh surylghu lv xqdydlodeoh wr surylgh fduh gxh wr &29,' suhfdxwlrqv dqg 7kh hpsor\hh lv hshulhqflqj dq\ rwkhu vxevwdqwldoo\ vlplodu frqglwlrq vshflilhg e\ wkh.
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